From The Pulpit - Pastor Aaron Vriesman
From The Pulpit - sermons by Pastor Aaron
World Before Jesus: Weak Were Left Alone - Matthew 8:14-17

World Before Jesus: Weak Were Left Alone - Matthew 8:14-17

The World Before Jesus

Before Jesus was born, the poor and the sick only received help from families. The Romans would only help another if reciprocity could be expected. Jesus healed anyone who came to him. He identified with the poor, the weak and the sick. Thus began the notion that every fellow human being is worth our help. Hospitals, nursing, the Red Cross were all Christian innovations.

December 24, 2023 AM sermon at North Blendon Christian Reformed Church

From The Pulpit - Pastor Aaron Vriesman
From The Pulpit - sermons by Pastor Aaron
Sermons to grow in understanding of God and salvation in Jesus Christ