From The Pulpit - Pastor Aaron Vriesman
From The Pulpit - sermons by Pastor Aaron
Saul at a Séance - 1 Samuel 28

Saul at a Séance - 1 Samuel 28

God and Kings

1 Samuel chapter 28 tells of Saul going to a medium to contact the dead, specifically the late prophet Samuel. A scary paranormal story that turns to sheer horror when Samuel gives his message, Saul's downward spiral turns into a crash and burn scenario here. His actions become simply nonsensical in a depiction of a life without faith descending into the horrors of what Jesus Christ experienced on the cross.

November 12, 2023 PM sermon at North Blendon Christian Reformed Church

From The Pulpit - Pastor Aaron Vriesman
From The Pulpit - sermons by Pastor Aaron
Sermons to grow in understanding of God and salvation in Jesus Christ