Back in the fourth century, a certain pastor named Arius started teaching that Jesus Christ was not equal with God the Father and was actually a creature. Called "Arianism," this view became very popular but was vigorously denounced by the Christian bishops of the time. The Nicene Creed was written to combat the idea that Jesus Christ is not fully God as well as fully human. The truth of Jesus' full divinity prevailed for many centuries. Then in the late 1800s, this idea was being taught again by a man named Charles Taze Russell, and his successors are known today as Jehovah's Witnesses. While they would say Arianism is biblical, it most certainly is not. The full deity of Jesus is not based on a handful of verses. If Jesus Christ is not fully God, a load of biblical problems arise, not the least of which is our very salvation.
February 18, 2024 PM sermon at North Blendon Christian Reformed Church
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